The Knights of Columbus is and always will be a Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service Organization. Our service programs reflect our involvement and commitment to our Faith, Family, Community, and Life.
This website and the Program and Membership Guide contains suggested programs for the fraternal year. These guidelines should assist District Deputies, Grand Knights and Council Chairmen in planning their programs. Throughout the year, the State Directors and Chairmen will communicate with you and offer assistance with each program. Feel free to call the Director or Chairman if you have any questions.
Every council’s primary goal should be to attain the Star Council Award. To achieve this award, a council must meet both membership and insurance quotas plus complete the following programming requirements:
1. Submit Form # 365-
Service Program Personnel Report
by August 1 of the fraternal year.
2. Submit Form # 1728 -Annual Survey of Fraternal Activities
by January 31 of the fraternal year.
3. Submit Form # SP-7 -Columbian Award Application
by June 30 of the fraternal year.
These forms are in the Council Report Forms Booklet supplied to the Grand Knight by the Supreme Council Office. The back of the inside cover of the Program and Membership Guide and this website list suggestions for programs to conduct and include on the Columbian Award Application.
Supreme Council Service Awards will be given to the best single council activity in each of the six programming areas. All scrapbook entries must be forwarded to the appropriate Director by April 1. Remember, an activity may be submitted in only one category. When deciding which category to enter a scrapbook, simply ask: Who benefits from this activity? The answer to this question tells you which category to enter the scrapbook.
All Brother Knights are invited to join together with the State Officers, Directors, Chairmen, Insurance and Membership Teams to ensure a successful year. Working together, we can achieve our goal of making Kansas #1 in Programming and Membership.
Remember, we are “First and Always Catholic” and with God’s help, we will experience an exciting and successful year.