The K of C Charities Aid Foundation is the non-profit corporation of the Kansas State Council of the Knights of Columbus. The Foundation oversees the charitable fund raising, administration of funds collected, and distribution of these funds for the Kansas State Council of the Knights of Columbus.
The K of C Charities Aid Foundation encourages the Kansas State Council to conduct statewide solicitations for the Commitment to Humanity Program, Pennies from Heaven Program, and the Religious Education Fund. The K of C Charities Aid Foundation also encourages and accepts tax-deductible donations from wills and gifts for the purpose of the charitable work of the Knights of Columbus.
The K of C Charities Aid Foundation also distributes monies earned from the Christopher Fund and Centennial Memorial Fund to support Catholic Education across the state.
The Emergency Disaster Aid Program (EDAP), funded by donations to the Pennies from Heaven Program, helps victims of natural disasters, regardless of race, creed, or nationality. Requests of up to $500 will be granted without any matching funds from the local council. The complete guidelines to request funds can be found on the inside back cover of the Official State Directory.
The Commitment to Humanity Program helps people with intellectual disabilities. Funds from this program are distributed to organizations that help these special people. The funds also are used to support the Kansas Special Olympics State Basketball Tournament. The Kansas State Council of the Knights of Columbus is proud to be the prime sponsor of this worthy event.
Monies raised for the Religious Education Fund help parishes, schools and CCD programs throughout the state. These funds are also used to help support the Catholic Campus Centers in Kansas, and underwrite special Religious Education projects submitted by the Bishops of Kansas, Catholic lay organizations and individuals.
Your support of the above programs is appreciated and needed to continue the work of this charitable foundation.